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New Year 2009

Hello friends, How's your 2009 going on? I have harsh and lonely winter days. I will moving to Jeju island soon for the artists residency program for one year. I think there will be no internet connection for a while until I settle down. For that time, Hope you are OK. and hope I am OK too. bye for now. Boram

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바쁜 일상 중 하루의 반토막을 저와 함께해주셔서 고마워요. 여러분의 격려와 응원을 먹고 힘을 내서 한걸음 또 나갈 수 있게 되길.. 더운 날씨, 건강 조심하시구, 또 만나요. :) 보람.


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